The Side Gig Longlist
work at home • hustle • blog

5 Popular Ways To Make Money Online

Last updated on: 14th Dec 2020
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This means that if you click on that link and purchase an item I will get a commission, at no extra cost to you!

5 Popular Ways To Make Money OnlineThis blog is a long way away from being a real longlist, although I try to add the best side gig leads for you on a daily basis.

Maybe you have found the categories on the homepage by now.
They will make it easier to find all related side jobs.

I added the Affiliate Marketing longlist and its first entry today.

Let’s pick some of the popular side gigs. 

  • Amazon Associates

    Website: Amazon Associates

  • Swagbucks

    Website: Swagbucks

  • Survey Junkie

    Website: Survey Junkie
    Available in: US,CA,AU

  • iStockPhoto

    Website: iStockPhoto


That’s it. Our First Top-5

Personally, I like these 5 popular ways to make money online very much.
It happens that I have tested all five of them. Some (iStockphoto) with great success years ago, and some I am just starting with (Swagbucks).

I know that it is a struggle and it takes a while before you get your first payment. However, as soon as it happens (and it will) you will feel even more driven.
Somehow, side gig money tastes better…

You Are Awesome

Again! I appreciate the patience you have while I am filling the lists. I know that there are other bigger, resources.
If you are new, please come back and watch this blog grow. If you are a returning visitor: wow! Thank you!

To me you are important and I hope I can become valuable enough so you will visit this blog a lot.

Hopefully, this site may help you find the perfect gig for you!


Hi there!

My name is Jip, and I created the Side Gig Longlist to learn all I can about blogging and making money online.
Having decades of experience in information technology, I decided to explore all the non-technical aspects of blogging, marketing, and promoting.
I also happen to like sharing the things I know and learn with others.
This blog is my platform to experiment, learn, and share.

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