I know that this is the boring part, but I do urge you to read this as your visit and use of this website means that you accept this Disclaimer.
You will also need to take a look at the Privacy Policy for that matter.
I will try to keep it short.
General Information
What I post on The Side Gig Longlist is influenced by my own perspective or opinion. Nothing I write or post, how carefully selected and written as it may be, should be seen as professional, financial, tax, legal, medical, health, or another sort of advice.
The Side Gig Longlist is for general information and educational purposes ONLY.
If you want to follow up on something you have read here, do your own research!
Affiliate Disclaimer
As you might have seen on my blog pages, I use affiliate links in my content.
This means that if you click on that link and purchase an item I will get a commission, at no extra cost to you!
Affiliate links may influence the content, as I might promote affiliated content more, rank them higher, or write more detailed posts.
It might even impact the decision on whether to place a link or not.
Outgoing Links | Other Websites
You will find links to other websites in my content, the ads and banners, and the comments.
I do not check, monitor, control, validate, or investigate these and cannot take responsibility for the information, services, or products offered there.
Again: Do your own research. You and you alone are responsible and liable for your actions.
No Guarantees
Even if a product or service is recommended, I cannot, and will not, guarantee a successful outcome or result.
Results depend on a lot of different factors. Every person is different, every situation is different and your personal circumstances are beyond my control.
I do not make any guarantees as to results.
If you have any questions or are unsure about anything on this website, contact me!