The Side Gig Longlist
work at home • hustle • blog


Last updated on: 16th May 2022
Advertiser Disclosure: Some of the links on The Side Gig Longlist are affiliate links.
This means that if you click on that link and purchase an item I will get a commission, at no extra cost to you!

This page contains bookmarks to all websites that I have not written pages for.

  • PICHA stock

    Website: PICHA stock

    PICHA stock specifically provides curated Afrocentric visuals in order to enable brands and businesses to tell richer stories that include modern Africans.

    They want to bring forward the voices, faces, and stories of modern Africa…

  • Rev

    Website: Rev

    Rev offers freelance transcription, translation, caption, and foreign subtitles jobs.
    At the moment they only accept freelances from (mostly) native English regions.

  • VIPX

    Website: VIPX

    VIPX students are young language learners from China between the ages of 3-14. Most of them are in highly-competitive academic and extra-curricular programs. 

    To keep these high standards they only accept participants with a Bachelors's… Read more

  • Can Stock Photo

    Website: Can Stock Photo

    Founded in 2004, Can Stock Photo is one of the oldest microstock photography agencies. Even after all this time, they are doing great with almost 20,000 images added every day.

    They offer instant…

  • Crestock

    Website: Crestock

    Crestock, founded in 2005, is one of the veterans when it comes to selling stock images. They do not accept editorial images, so make sure that you have model or property releases of the people…


Hi there!

My name is Jip, and I created the Side Gig Longlist to learn all I can about blogging and making money online.
Having decades of experience in information technology, I decided to explore all the non-technical aspects of blogging, marketing, and promoting.
I also happen to like sharing the things I know and learn with others.
This blog is my platform to experiment, learn, and share.

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