The Side Gig Longlist
work at home • hustle • blog

Special Offers

Last updated on: 05th Oct 2022
Advertiser Disclosure: Some of the links on The Side Gig Longlist are affiliate links.
This means that if you click on that link and purchase an item I will get a commission, at no extra cost to you!

Money that you do not spend is the first money you earn.
We all like special offers, discounts, coupons, sales, and special prices, right?

On this page, I will collect every offer I find along the way. Some are limited-time offers, some are special sales like Black Friday or Cyber Monday, so come back frequently to find out if there is anything added that you might like.

Here is the list:

I’m Curious

I’m really happy that I made this page and I believe that it may be useful to you. 
As we both like side hustles to make some extra money, I assume that you also like to save money with these kinds of special offers, but I might be wrong about it.

You know what they say about assumptions being the mother of all…

So, was there anything you liked?
Did you miss anything?
Do you have, or know, a good deal that fits this page?

Leave a comment or contact me if you like. 

And if you know somebody that could use a discount, feel free to share!

Quick Question

I am thinking about a newsletter, so I could share updates with my visitors. Would you subscribe if I had one?
Let me know!



Hi there!

My name is Jip, and I created the Side Gig Longlist to learn all I can about blogging and making money online.
Having decades of experience in information technology, I decided to explore all the non-technical aspects of blogging, marketing, and promoting.
I also happen to like sharing the things I know and learn with others.
This blog is my platform to experiment, learn, and share.

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