The Side Gig Longlist
work at home • hustle • blog

Tag: video

The following posts have been tagged with the tag video:

Advertiser Disclosure: Some of the links on The Side Gig Longlist are affiliate links.
This means that if you click on that link and purchase an item I will get a commission, at no extra cost to you!
  • Selling Photos Online with Shutterstock

    Did you know that you can earn by selling photos online and that it is one of the easiest and most fun ways to make money online? You are engaging in a creative process, maybe travel, doing things you love to do, and earn money with it.

    It is also a great way to create a passive income stream. Your pictures will be available for customers to purchase long after you have uploaded them. 

    Are you wondering how to sell pictures online and make money? Keep reading!

    More about ‘Selling Photos Online with Shutterstock’ here
  • Foap

    May 28, 2021 |

    Although the basic principles of selling photos and footage through Foap are the same as other classic stock photography agencies, there are a few remarkable differences. For one thing, you work with the free app to upload your material straight to Foap. More about ‘Foap’ here

  • iStockPhoto

    January 24, 2021 |

    As a division of Getty Images, iStock( short for iStockphoto) is one of the larger suppliers for stock photography and a great place to start if you are exploring stock photography as a side gig.

    You can sell both images as video footage. The latter will pay better, but both have great potential for passive income. After uploading your material it will remain there for years. More about ‘iStockPhoto’ here

  • Adobe Stock

    December 9, 2020 |

    The name Adobe in Adobe Stock cannot be unfamiliar to you as they have decades of experience providing the world with all kinds of software for creating and editing multimedia. Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, Lightroom, XD, you name it.

    The software is offered through cloud-based programs, and a lot of them integrate Adobe Stock to provide creatives with photos and video footage.More about ‘Adobe Stock’ here


Hi there!

My name is Jip, and I created the Side Gig Longlist to learn all I can about blogging and making money online.
Having decades of experience in information technology, I decided to explore all the non-technical aspects of blogging, marketing, and promoting.
I also happen to like sharing the things I know and learn with others.
This blog is my platform to experiment, learn, and share.

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