The Side Gig Longlist
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Amazon Associates

Last updated on: 15th Dec 2020
Advertiser Disclosure: Some of the links on The Side Gig Longlist are affiliate links.
This means that if you click on that link and purchase an item I will get a commission, at no extra cost to you!

The affiliate program of Amazon is considered to be one of the largest there is. Of course, there is no surprise as Amazon has millions of products available. 
This makes them ideal for blogs and websites with a very specific audience as you can deliver links to popular products for your visitors. If you have a website build around headphones, it would not make a lot of sense if you placed affiliate links to garden utensils.
You know why your visitors are on your website so you should write articles or maybe reviews on specific headphones. Offer your visitors an easy-to-follow hyperlink to the product on Amazon and you will make a better chance of earning some commission on a sale. 

It is quite free and easy to join Amazo Associates. Just sign up on and after (almost instant) approval you can start creating and placing links on your blog or website.

Like most affiliate programs you need to agree with certain rules. Some of the rules on Amazon are that:

  • You have to disclose that you earn commissions on recommending the product
  • You may not be deceptive about the products
  • you don’t use the affiliate links in things like e-mails, eBooks, or offline promotions.
  • complete policy

After completing the sign-up and registration process you will have a dashboard presented to you. Here you have a nice overview of how you are performing. This is also the place where you can start searching and creating new affiliate links.

Payments are done by direct deposits, gift certificates, or check. They do not offer PayPal, but you can use Payoneer (register for Payoneer in the Deposit Method Section). 

Amazon has a lot of documentation and tools to support you, so check it out. They aren’t that popular for nothing!

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Hi there!

My name is Jip, and I created the Side Gig Longlist to learn all I can about blogging and making money online.
Having decades of experience in information technology, I decided to explore all the non-technical aspects of blogging, marketing, and promoting.
I also happen to like sharing the things I know and learn with others.
This blog is my platform to experiment, learn, and share.

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