The Side Gig Longlist
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Free Proofread Intro Workshop

Last updated on: 05th May 2021
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If you doubt if working as a proofreader is something you would like to do as a side job, how valuable would a free proofread intro workshop of someone that has established a name as a proofreader be?

Caitlin Pyle is such a person. And she is passionately sharing her knowledge and experience in her popular and successful paid courses like General Proofreading and Transcript Proofreading. But, more importantly, Caitlin has a free 76-minute workshop where you can find out what it means to be a proofreader. She also deals with how to attract your ideal clients, and if proofreading might be something for you.

What You Will Learn

Although I’m not planning to pursue a career as a proofreader, I was curious about her workshop.
I signed up for the free proofread intro workshop, and within a few minutes, Caitlin told me in a friendly and easy-listening voice what makes proofreading such a great job.

She makes clear, upfront, that this is not for the ones that are looking for a get-rich-quick job. Proofreading is hard work.
But don’t worry, there are many benefits, and she will talk about the biggest advantages.

Caitlin will share some insider secrets with you and she talks about some of the tools she uses. There also is a freebie (I won’t tell about) for those who sign up for the free workshop

I Tried This

And I even learned two grammar rules I didn’t know. This makes the time I spent on the workshop already valuable to me. 

What surprised me was that I could relate to a lot of things Caitlin mentions. Even where it concerns a passion for words, although my writing skills are limited.
I might even start looking for proofreading jobs in my own language.

How About You?

Have you tried it? Are you going to?
Let me know!

Thanks for reading! You are awesome!

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My name is Jip, and I created the Side Gig Longlist to learn all I can about blogging and making money online.
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