The Side Gig Longlist
work at home • hustle • blog

Thank you for following!

Last updated on: 17th Jan 2021
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Thank you for followingThere are blogs out there that would probably not even notice it if they gain or lose a hundred followers, but I am sure that they can remember refreshing their Pinterest page endlessly hoping to see their first 100.

Thank you Pinterest followers! Really! Every follower motivates me to search for useful information and write about it on this blog.

It seems like a nice idea to share 3 great tools, that helped me along the past weeks. Maybe they can help you too.

  • Upgrade Your Content with Grammarly

    When I started to think about this website, I didn't really know what I was getting myself into. 
    Don't get me wrong; I immediately liked the idea of collecting and organizing all the information about side gigs, but writing content was a different story. Grammarly was a lifesaver. Let me tell you about it so you can upgrade your content with Grammarly too.

    Why Grammarly is Important to Me

    As a Dutch developer in an online team of a… Read more

  • Tailwind

    To be honest, I have just recently found out about Tailwind, but I like it already.
    Tailwind lets you schedule your pins, photos, and videos.

    You might wonder why you would schedule your pins instead of pinning them to Pinterest immediately.

    So did I, until I noticed that the engagement and followers I got, even the traffic to this website, seemed to be related to the moment (re)pins were made.

    Scheduling pins with Tailwind suddenly made sense to me. As you spread your activities over the day(s) you will have more… Read more

  • Canva

    There are a gazillion images that you can buy or download for free, but when it comes to that picture you need for your blog...
    No problem, I hear you think; there are also hundreds of photo-editing applications available, so let's get one.

    But when you start them and take a look at all the tools the user interface offers you, you feel the first signs of frustration growing in the back of your mind.

    And then there was Canva!

    It's not that some applications are too difficult, although some of them seem to require years of practice. You feel… Read more

That’s It for Now. 

Although some people are really skilled, most of us are experts in one or some areas, not in all of them. 
Writing and maintaining a blog requires a lot of different skills and even if you master most of them, you only have so much time in a day.
As a developer, I constantly need to refrain from diving into the code to optimize this website. The time I spend doing that, I can’t write content.

Tools are great. You get all the knowledge and best practices a company has on a specific topic and you can use it to improve or optimize your own work.
They also save you a lot of time.

Again, Thanks for following

Every follower is important and every new follower is a motivation to keep on writing more pages.

You are awesome! I hope we can keep entertaining and informing you for a long time.


Hi there!

My name is Jip, and I created the Side Gig Longlist to learn all I can about blogging and making money online.
Having decades of experience in information technology, I decided to explore all the non-technical aspects of blogging, marketing, and promoting.
I also happen to like sharing the things I know and learn with others.
This blog is my platform to experiment, learn, and share.

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