The Side Gig Longlist
work at home • hustle • blog


Last updated on: 28th Apr 2021
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To be honest, I have just recently found out about Tailwind, but I like it already.
Tailwind lets you schedule your pins, photos, and videos.

You might wonder why you would schedule your pins instead of pinning them to Pinterest immediately.

So did I, until I noticed that the engagement and followers I got, even the traffic to this website, seemed to be related to the moment (re)pins were made.

Scheduling pins with Tailwind suddenly made sense to me. As you spread your activities over the day(s) you will have more visibility.
You can also schedule a pin to be pinned to different boards at different times.

Besides that, sometimes I have more time on my hand than other moments, so queueing up those pins when it suites me, will keep my hands free later on.

How to Use Tailwind

I wrote a post in which I explain how to get the most of Tailwind and save yourself some time: Get Better Pins in Less Time with Tailwind for Pinterest


SmartGuide will keep an eye on your pinning volume and frequency and it will want you if you are in danger of breaking Pinterest’s Guidelines.

Most successful Pinners on Pinterest publish somewhere between 15 to 25 times a day. Try not to publish too much.


SmartLoop will let you reshare your pins at the best time for optimal engagement. 

To make sure that you don’t repin the same pin to often, it is best to keep the frequency to once or twice a year.

More to Explore

As I said in the beginning, I just found out about it, but there is a lot more to explore. 

One of those features to discover is Tailwind Tribes.
Tribes are often described as Pinterest groups, but with more visibility and engagement. As soon as I have tried Tailwind Tribes I will dedicate a post about my experience.

Another feature I need to explore is Tailwind Create, which lets you create visuals to pin based on your brand colors and preferences.

What Tailwind Costs

You can register for free on Tailwind which will get you 100 Pins for free. This will probably be enough to get a taste of it.

If you want to get serious with Tailwind then pricing starts from $9.99 a month (annual payment). I did and I don’t regret it!

I Tried It

In fact, I am using it more and more every day.
Tailwind is such a time saver!

The browser plugin will let you send Pins straight to your scheduler and if you rather use Pinterest on your smartphone then I recommend installing the Tailwind App.

I Like It

I guess that after reading this post that it is obvious that I do. 

The fact that I am not longer using the free version, but switch to the annual plan should tell you that I am serious about it. 

Do yourself a favor: Give Tailwind a try

Website: Tailwind
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Hi there!

My name is Jip, and I created the Side Gig Longlist to learn all I can about blogging and making money online.
Having decades of experience in information technology, I decided to explore all the non-technical aspects of blogging, marketing, and promoting.
I also happen to like sharing the things I know and learn with others.
This blog is my platform to experiment, learn, and share.

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